Monday, November 9, 2009

Our Country Needs A Health Reform

Our Country Needs A Health Reform/Blog stage #6

I read a commentary written by Chelsea Quimby on her blog http://chelseauslately.blogspot/. Her title reads: "Health Reform In The General Public". Although I am able to sympathize with Ms.Quimby's comments my opinion in this matter is still the same. I believe our country needs a health reform. Ms. Quimby is basing her conclusion on the results obtained from Stanford's "Building Sensible Health Care Solution"project . According to these results, 62 percent of the Americans are saying to be fine with the current system and 68 percent of the Americans are saying that the current system does not work for them. However, 14,000 Americans lose their health insurance everyday. As for the Americans who do have insurance, there is always the concern of meeting deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance and never being certain as to what or how this so call "explanation of benefits" will really benefit the member. She is suggesting that the public option and the private firms should be able to exist independently without hurting each other. That will never happen, there is too much money and power involved in this matter. Insurances have become greedy, and they have proven over and over again that they are not out there to give the best health care possible to Americans but to look after their profits.

The new health care reform has passed through the House of Representatives and in the process to be presented to the Senate. This health reform is supported by President Obama, the American Medical Association, the American Nursing Association and AARP. These identities know the needs of the Americans and understand that there is a need for a change. The Stanford Project, may have come up with an impressive statistic. However, it is also important to remember that there are about 36 million people who are now without insurance. The new health care plan will end the practices that certain health insurances have to avoid giving services if there is a pre-existing condition. Some insurances will go as far as dropping a member if he or she has become seriously ill.

Ms Quimby, with all due respect, your opinion is sensible but not realistic. The insurance companies need to be under control, so that they can no longer take advantage of those who are going through cancers or terminal illnesses. I worked in the medical field for many years and as someone who has been exposed to these matters I can say that it is in due time that someone puts a stop to these skyrocketing premiums established by insurances. I will give you a personal example. This is how the introduction begins with the medical insurance that I currently have: "Benefits are subject to changes without notice. The benefits verified today are not warrantied. The claims presented are susceptible to the policy and guidelines established in the contract..... how may I help you"

This new health reform will give better preventive care and the insurance companies will be accountable to give all Americans stable health care. President Obama has won commitments from hospitals groups and insurances to cut the rate of increase of their costs by 1.5 percent per year over next decade.



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