Friday, October 30, 2009

Stage Five: Original editorial or commentary #1

The American Clean Energy and Security Act

For the first time, both houses of Congress addressed and approved the Bill involving the seriousness of global warming pollution. In June.2009 the House of Representatives successfully passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This legislation created a plan to develop America into a clean energy economy and reduce pollution. The Bill proposes a cap and trade system. The government will set a limit (cap) for the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted nationally. Permits to emit these gases, primarily carbon dioxide, will be sold and bought by companies (the trade part of the program). In order to reduce the total carbon emissions, the cap is reduced overtime. The cap on total emission is set for a period of 2012, through 2050. The legislation would regulate specific entities to hold the right, or the allowance ti emit greenhouse gases. Those entities, which emit more gases, face a higher cost, providing an economic incentive to reduce emissions. The sharp increase of dramatic warming in the past fifty years is a result of human activity. The high levels of atmospheric gases are the results of burning fossil fuels, clearing of land and agricultural activity. United Stated energy-related carbon dioxide emissions represent 82 percent of our total human greenhouse gas emission.

President Obama is in full support of the bill, and it is now time to send it through the Senate for approval. The Bill has created deserved excitement and mixed feelings about how it will affect the economy and the American citizens. This issue has been addressed for decades, and time is running out. Several members of the Congress and the Senate are concern that the fees in relation to the Bill, would equal an new tax, which would not only be affecting the consumers but hurt the nation's economy. This bill will lead to changes in many sectors of the economy, such as, electric power generation, agriculture, manufactures and construction. However, the bill also contains a provision; the Congressional Budget office estimated that the average American household would pay $170.00 a year in energy cost by 2020. The poorest household would receive rebates that would lower the annual energy by $40.00.

Even though, there is a concern about increased taxes and how this gradual change may affect certain individuals with job opportunities, it is important to understand that the global warming must be stopped in its tracks, because the overall effects are widespread and largely irreparable. Aside from the fact that it is affecting the animal and plant productivity and vitality, along with fragile ecosystem, it is also affecting the human race.

According to the Center of Disease Control, and increase of injuries and death caused by severe weather such as hurricanes is expected which, in return affects the economy and financial stability of the affected area. Due to drought and driven air pollution, there will be more cases of respiratory problems. There will be higher rates of waterborne diseases, such as cholera and mental health problems such as depression and post traumatic stress. It seems to me that the consequences can be so severe; we might be having a much larger issue with our health care than what we are experiencing now.

The Democrats and Republicans need to set their differences aside and support this legislation. If we do not take care of our Earth, pretty soon we will not have a safe place to live in. We need the political support and the economic capital to make clean energy. It is our moral duty to address the carbon usage in today's world, in order to protect the generations to come. If this bill passes then we are taking a huge step forward in securing our future energy and investing in the protection of natural resources. 111/20090724/hr2454 housesummary.pdf.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

President Obama's Nobe Peacel Prize

This is a Blog written by political writer, David Paul Kuhn and posted on "Real Clear Politics "on October the 10th, 2009. Mr Kuhn stated that President Obama has done nothing to deserve the prize, making it all a farce; however, I believe he is missing the point as to why he has earned such an honor. The Nobel committee awarded President Obama with the Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” and his “vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.” Quoted from the New York Times

The Nobel Peace Prize may be awarded to persons or organizations that are in the process of resolving a conflict or creating peace. Mr Kuhn , states that the Nobel Committee has done wrong by choosing President Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize. Obviously, the Nobel Committee is supporting Obama's worldview of bringing peace and ending war. As Americans, we ought to be pleased that our president was recognized by something of this order. This is a recognition which may allow other governments to react in a positive way to Obama's call for them to assume their accountabilities. The award emphasizes how much the International community wants and needs American leadership, and that is something all Americans should appreciate.

President Barack Obama was not only surprised, but deeply humbled for the nomination; and as for the 1.4 millions dollars which, is presented along with the prize, he is donating it all to charity. Our country is going through rough and critical times . Other nations are having to deal and struggle with wars, natural disasters, hunger, pollution, and worldwide economy. These are issues that should be addressed with the cooperation of the world as a whole.

On a personal note, I don't agree with Mr. David Paul Kuhn, and I know that President Obama deserves the award which is based on his accomplishments and the aggressive agenda that he is still working to fulfill.